Websites designed to generate leads.......

and convert

META SEO is sooo 2015

and of course,

We're Optimized for Mobile


Your Website is your

Power Plant to

Lead Generation

Yes, our websites are META SEO Optimized

(every site on the planet is). And ALL website platforms are optimized for Mobile.

Now, let's get to the real reason you have a website.

Making Money!

If your site doesn't Capture new Leads via a Form or Chat Bot - even a Phone Number attached to an SMS Text Back System, then you're just giving

GoDaddy a nice monthly revenue stream so someone can live a great live on a Yacht in the Carribean.

This is how


Every Conversation In One Place

Website Contact Forms

  • Buyer Contacts

  • Seller Contacts

  • Renter Contacts

  • Investor Contacts

  • Resource Contacts

Your Website can be fitted with an unlimited number of forms to automatically sort your Leads into Segmented Opportunities, offering:

  • Targeted Data Collection

  • Enhance User Experience

  • Higher Conversion Rates

  • Analytics and Insights

Collecting varied information through different forms allows for better personalization and segmentation of your audience. You can tailor follow-up communications and marketing strategies based on the specific interests and needs indicated by users through these forms.

See our FUNNELS Here.

Every Conversation In One Place

Chat Bots - the

21st Century Communcation Tool

Chatbots are everywhere and have become increasingly effective in 21st-century websites due to advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) and natural language processing (NLP). Here are several reasons why chatbots are highly effective and beneficial for modern websites:

  • 24 / 7 Availability

  • Instant Response

  • Lead Generation & Qualification

  • Improved Engagement

  • Enhanced Customer Support

Chatbots are highly effective on websites due to their ability to provide instant, personalized, and scalable support, improve user engagement, generate and qualify leads, and collect valuable data. They offer significant cost savings and operational efficiencies while enhancing overall user satisfaction and experience.

Every Conversation In One Place


Missed Call

Text Back

Never Miss Another Call with our MCTB feature. Sends SMS to the Caller letting them know you're busy but will get back ASAP.

Your Marketing Phone Number will be your lifeline to the outside world. Having a marketing phone number on your website can be very important for several reasons, particularly in terms of enhancing customer service, building trust, and improving conversion rates.

  • Immediate Response Time

  • Personalized Communication

  • Establishing trust and Credibility

  • Custome Retention

  • Demonstrating Professionalism

Including a marketing phone number on your website is highly important. It ensures that your business is accessible and responsive to customer needs, which can lead to higher satisfaction and loyalty.

Seamlessly Integrates with Leading Apps

Book a Demo

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All Rights Reserved

GHL4 REAL ESTATE and the GHL4 Brands are divisions of

Hawkeye Private Ventures LLC